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Dans cette page vous pouvez voir les photos reportages de nos expositions en 2021-2022
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L'exposition solo de l'artiste Muge Qi
"“Le voyage de Feï”"
Du 3 au 27 Décembre 2022

Dans cette collection d'illustration, Muge (notre artiste Chinoise, installée à Toulouse) joue sur la transparence et la fluidité de la couleur pour retranscrire l’atmosphère poétique et onirique de son univers, par petites touches délicates émergent des décors, où la petite Feï, personnage récurrent de ses œuvres, nous emmène au sein de merveilleux monde végétal. Muge croit que " L'art est un voyage, parce que nous avons tant besoin d'air, d'espace, de rêve et d'histoires". Les illustrations de Muge sont un baume pour le cœur et l'esprit.

L'exposition solo de l’artiste Eloïse Gillard
"“O², Une Odyssée Onirique”"

Du 5 au 26 Novembre 2022

Les illustrations de cette exposition sont tirées d'un coffret écrit par Christelle Lebrault et illustré par Eloze, paru chez Mango Editions. Celui-ci propose d'accompagner le lecteur dans des exercices d'autohypnose, en s'offrant un moment de pause et d'apaisement. Chaque illustration a été imaginé comme une bulle réconfortante, un petit monde où les éléments cohabitent avec douceur et harmonie et où l'on prend le temps de s'écouter, de s'évader, de rêver... Pour se laisser ensuite porter par ce nouveau souffle !

The solo exhibition of the artist Jennifer Hugot
"Woven colors"
From October 8 to 29, 2022

Jennifer Hugot is a French artist, 4 years after studying art and textile design, she set up her workshop in Aubervilliers and launched into her artistic practice in 2018. Passionate about fabrics, it is however paper that she chosen as his preferred medium. She plays with simple hand-painted patterns that she cuts into strips and recomposes into a new woven image. His paintings are like fragments of fabric from around the world. Their bright colors and abstract rhythms make our eyes travel and vibrate.

The solo exhibition of artist Lisa Masse
“Band of petals”
From June 18 to July 23, 2022

Lisa Masse is a French artist from Le Havre, the city in which she grew up and developed her passion for the creative arts. She continued her studies in Paris and became an interior designer in 2018. In spring 2020, during confinement, she made drawing her daily life using exclusively a box of colored pencils. Since then she has developed her technique using a graphics tablet. She started freelancing and flourished by creating flowery, joyful and naive illustrations. She captures interludes of life, brief and light moments as ephemeral as the flowers she draws. She likes to travel by bike, drink tea, and mimosa.

The solo exhibition of the artist Julie Pernet
From May 7 to 28, 2022

Julie Pernet is a French artist based in Brussels where she has combined illustration and commitment to human rights for around ten years. His artistic universe revolves around our relationship to the Earth in contrasting compositions which borrow from the naive style but leave a bittersweet taste. Using watercolors and fluorescent inks, she draws spaces that are sometimes solitary, sometimes inhabited, which question our cohabitation with the living. From rocks to mountains, from lakes to deep waters, beings run, jump and fly in search of their lost humanity.